• http://www.wave-net.ca/administrator/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&layout=edit&id=9#
  • Great Websites

    Amazing web apps.

Spas & Salons



Hair/nail salons and spas offer an ideal environment for advertising and product placement. Salon-based networks provide advertisers with reach, frequency, and attention. According to the Salon Industry Association, 50% of women go to a hair salon every 6 to 8 weeks, and 72.5% visit nail salons every 2 weeks. The average salon client spends between 30 and 60 minutes receiving salon services. (Digital Signage Universe)





  • Display salon/spa menu boards
  • Showcase videos of hair styling, skin care, etc. while customers wait
  • Introduce your professionals and display some of their showcases
  • Offer hair/nail/skin care tips and recommendations
  • Educate and inform customers about loyalty programs
  • Use your displays for visual and auditory stimuli to better enhance the spa experience
  • Free or paid advertising for stores, vendors, other neighboring businesses
  • Showcase a list of your therapists and employees with a small biography
  • List all services and packages offered
  • Update and manage content remotely and instantly